The great thing about Palico gadgets is the more you use them the better they get.
#Doodle monster hunter world how to#
How to upgrade your Palico gadgets in Monster Hunter World It's a Molotov cocktail but the way that a cat would say it. Where to find it? Once you've got all the other Palico gadgets, and you've also unlocked the Elder's Recess, a Lynian Researcher in Astera will give you a quest which, when completed, grants you cat pal this awesome gadget. Great for endgame sweeping up or even before then if you really must have that sweet hat. It also ups the rarity of the ones it does carve off, so if you're trying to craft that super rare armor piece then equip this and go hunting. What does it do? This is probably one of the most useful Palico gadgets as it gives your cat buddy a higher chance of carving off extra monster parts. They'll also teach you how to talk Girros and ask them to be your Tailrider.

Where to find it? You'll get this one after helping out the Rotten Vale Grimalkynes, the Plunderers. Little ditties from your cat pal will provide you with attack and defense buffs, as well as status resistances. Really useful if you're running solo and still want to benefit from occasional buffs. What does it do? This is pretty much the same as equipping your Palico with a Hunting Horn. They'll teach you how to talk to Shamos and ask them to be your Tailraider pals. Where to find it? As the name might give away, track down the Trooper Grimalkynes in the Coral Highland and help them take down two Tzitzi-ya-kus. Can also keep monsters in place below cliffs so you have a chance to climb up and mount them (unless you're an Insect Glaiver then why are you even reading this, go pole vault something). Useful if you're going on hunts solo and your Palico isn't doing enough damage to redirect the monster's attacks to let you charge up your power moves. However, thanks to its slight resemblance to a big scary face, it'll also help draw aggro from the monster you're fighting. It can – obviously – defend you or your Palico from attacks, if you hide behind it. What does it do? This is a big shield, massive even. You'll then learn how to recruit Kestadons to your Tailriders. Where to find it? In the Wildspire Waste, by finding the Protector Grimalkyne clan and tracking down their missing friends. Blinding flying monsters causes them to drop to the floor, so this is pretty useful for Great Sword or other heavy melee weapon users to get hits in on their flying quarry. Use your slinger to hit them, or stand next to them and activate them with Circle/B. Hitting them causes an intense burst of light, which can daze and stun monsters if they're looking in its direction. You may have encountered Flashflies in the wild, especially in the Great Jagras lair in the Ancient Forest. What does it do? This is a little cage with a Flashfly in it. You'll also then learn how to make Jagras follow you around as Tailriders. Where to find it? In the Ancient Forest by tracking down the Bugtrrapper Grimalkynes after finding or unlocking all the campsites in the area. It's obviously very useful if you keep getting messed up by that Anjanath you're fighting. When you get low on health in battle, your Palico pal will either set up a Vigorwasp station which can be activated by either attacking it to burst the wasp, or pressing Circle/B next to it (with your weapon unequipped).

What does it do? Vigorwasps are little insects that burst into a shower of green sparks and heal you. Here's what each one does and where to find your Palico gadgets: Vigorwasp Spray To find Grimalkyne tribes, analyse Doodles scratched into the walls around the level and then once you have enough analysed, pin the Doodle trail on your map (R3 on the bottom-left icon) to get a scoutfly trail straight to them. The first, Vigorwasp Spray, you'll have by default when you start the game and the others can be unlocked by finding new groups of Grimalkynes – the little tribes of Palicoes out in the wilds. There are six Palico Gadgets in total in Monster Hunter World. What Palico Gadgets are in Monster Hunter World? There aren't too many to find, but if you're having trouble – or just want to know what you can get – then here's a quick guide to all things Palico gadgets. To help you out in your quest to be the very best hunter that there ever was, your Palico gets an array of gadgets unlocked as you progress through the game and complete special side quests.

Your Palico is your best friend in Monster Hunter World (unless you actually managed to play with your best friend by getting online with them).